Ameren, and most other utilities, wants to end net metering. Don’t wait to get grandfathered in!


  • The Illinois Commerce Commission on Dec. 2 ordered Ameren Illinois to restore full retail net metering to residential and small business customers who have installed rooftop solar since Oct. 2.

  • Ameren has said for months that rooftop solar generation reached 5% of the total power it distributed by October, a milestone that the company said required it to reduce its net metering tariff for customers with new solar arrays from the full retail rate for excess power delivered to its system to net metering of only the cost of energy, which is worth about half as much as the full retail net metering.

  • A coalition of environmental groups joined with an association of small solar installation companies to oppose Ameren’s moves, setting off a regulatory struggle that got the attention of other utilities as well as the wider solar industry.